David Bashevkin


Once a Jew, always a Jew? Explore the foundation of what makes us Jewish and whether that identity can ever be lost.... Read more

Spiritual Case Study of Apple & Coca-Cola

Preservation and creativity can often seem to be at odds. Through the lens of Apple and Coca-Cola, explore the fabric of Jewish communal development and how we can ensure our community is preserved but also remains creative.... Read more

When Leaders Fail

Say it ain’t so, Rabbi Joe. Religious disappointment can feel like the rug of your religious identity has been pulled from underneath you. Explore why some religious leaders fail and explore how we can respond with resilience.... Read more

Top 10 Non-Religious Books

Religious identity is like a cholent — lot’s of different ingredients add flavor and texture. Learn how some great non-religious writers can shape your religious identity.... Read more

What to Wear to Sin

Is sin unavoidable? This lecture considers the possibility of inevitable sin and how Jewish individual’s and public policy should react.... Read more

The Prestige

Great ideas are magical. Learn to construct amazing content and ideas through the structure and style of best magicians.... Read more

The Torment of Time

You’re late. Sometimes, life can make you feel like you’re alway delayed. Discover the unique pain of time and how it can be transcended.... Read more

The Rabbi’s Children

Growing up in the spotlight is never easy. Since biblical times, the children of rabbis and leaders have struggled. Explore the pitfalls children experience in a rabbinic home and learn how to create a home of optimistic ideals.... Read more